Sunday, May 27, 2012

Larten Crepsley Saga

Wait a second... I just need to stop shaking from how overly awesome this book is.

THIS IS THE BEST BOOK EVER! Please remember to wear protective gear before reading this book, for the vast amounts of awesomeness may cause injuries that could be fatal.

Okay, shall I try to move on and tell you why? This book is sort of like a prequel to the "Darren Shan Saga". It's all about how Larten, (Darren Shan's mentor), became the vampire he is today. Basically '200 years in the life of a vampire'. And not any vampire, Larten had an amazing story to tell. All the heartbreak, the love, the pain and the betrayals to make his life very dramatic. The story ties up all the left over loose ends from the Darren Shan Saga, and you can finally see who Larten is really. And the awesomest thing, (or worst, depends on the point of view), is that the ending isn't exactly happy... or sad, but you know how his story ends if you've read DSS and trust me, it's not pretty...

You see how terribly cruel the world can be, how Larten, who could have been an innocent child, had everything ripped away... (Even though his childhood wasn't particularly nice even as a human). His life was a lesson. You don't always get what you deserve, but there's a point where you just have to follow destiny blindly and hope you get somewhere, without caring whether that's good, or bad.

My recommendation? EVERYONE.

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