Sunday, May 27, 2012

Larten Crepsley Saga

Wait a second... I just need to stop shaking from how overly awesome this book is.

THIS IS THE BEST BOOK EVER! Please remember to wear protective gear before reading this book, for the vast amounts of awesomeness may cause injuries that could be fatal.

Okay, shall I try to move on and tell you why? This book is sort of like a prequel to the "Darren Shan Saga". It's all about how Larten, (Darren Shan's mentor), became the vampire he is today. Basically '200 years in the life of a vampire'. And not any vampire, Larten had an amazing story to tell. All the heartbreak, the love, the pain and the betrayals to make his life very dramatic. The story ties up all the left over loose ends from the Darren Shan Saga, and you can finally see who Larten is really. And the awesomest thing, (or worst, depends on the point of view), is that the ending isn't exactly happy... or sad, but you know how his story ends if you've read DSS and trust me, it's not pretty...

You see how terribly cruel the world can be, how Larten, who could have been an innocent child, had everything ripped away... (Even though his childhood wasn't particularly nice even as a human). His life was a lesson. You don't always get what you deserve, but there's a point where you just have to follow destiny blindly and hope you get somewhere, without caring whether that's good, or bad.

My recommendation? EVERYONE.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Daz 4 Zoe

A love story. Now, all those who know me will all be snorting and saying, "Oh, she's just going to go on about how pathetic and Romeoey and Juliety it is. She hates love stories." WRONG. Okay, partly right, but this isn't the point. Yes, I hate most love stories, but this was actually pretty good. It was one of those stories where you get that sudden feeling of, "BY THE BLACK BLOOD OF HARNON OAN! I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU MEAN! OH MY CHARNA'S GUTS!" You know, when you can relate to the character. This book is set around 2050. It's really good, but it was written quite some time ago, so they mention some things that happened in 2004 and stuff, even though it was meant to be futuristic. But still. Awesome. I have to admit... Do I really have to? This book had me wiping a solitary tear of my cheek... And now I've just embarrassed myself.

Anyway. It has a lovely plot based around a rich kid that falls in love with a poor kid. The poor guy, who's name was Darren but calls himself "Daz", wants to be part of a gang that kills rich kids as part of a rebellion, but falls in love with Zoe before he has the chance to kill her. Zoe is the rich girl, she was out drinking with her mates in the poorest part of the city, a place which only welcomes the rich if they agree to pay extra, and,  you guessed it, a guy catches her eye and she falls in love with him... It's really amazing.

The story is written by both sides, both of them are trying desperately to meet again. Zoe is worried she will never see him again and will have to find someone else. She's worried he doesn't feel the same way. Daz has similar problems, and tries to find her school and find her home so he can talk to her. It's harder than it sounds, because he doesn't have a permit to live in the same place as Zoe.

In conclusion, Daz 4 Zoe, by Robert Swindells is an awesome book. To be read by everyone, especially those fond of romance.

So yeah, sorry for not posting for a while... I've been busy procrastinating. BUT MY LAZY DAYS ARE OVER! I WILL WORK!